Thursday, August 9, 2012

Technology and poverty,what will the future hold?

Man as a species has broken the bonds suffered by all other life forms that exist on this world.The ability to manipulate our surroundings have given mankind a life of comfort and prosperity that is truly unique in the reality in which we exist.Medical advances are increasing life span and quality of life and breakthroughs in science and industry are revolutionary.
While caught up in the buzz of discovery and innovation mankind has possibly overlooked some important issues with technological development.Although it my seem unlikely,many new advances in tech could very possibly create a regression in prosperity and quality of life for the entire human species. This regression will start at the poverty level first and creep it's way all the way to the super rich if not put into check.
One such dangerous technological break through is additive manufacturing or "3d printing".While this type of creation or manufacturing is largely unheard of it has already started changing they way corporations view manufacturing.3d printing reduces the amount of material,time,and manpower needed to produce virtually ANY item imaginable. Entire production and assembly lines have been and will be replaced by a handful of 3d printers.This technology will and has begun to eliminate millions of jobs within the middle class and on down through the poor. At present many 3d printers are capable of using multiple types of material without the limits conventional manufacturing,combination printers can for example ,produce an automotive alternator with only the push of a button and when completed all moving parts and electronics are totally functional.A cad drawing or blue print will be loaded into a regular pc and then a real world product will be constructed by applying layers until the desired item is totally complete.Totally functional when removed from the printing device.This technology will end the existence of foundries,machine shops,steel mills,plastics manufacturers,even glass and ceramic producers.
Today manufacturing companies are tooling up 3d printers to create more advanced 3d printers and many sectors of the science and technology world are even very close to completing 3d printers that will replicate autonomous drone worker robots for mining the asteroid belt.The inherent danger in this type of technology seems like something from a bad science fiction novel but the fact is that it isn't fiction.
Adding to this change in the global workforce will be the autonomous vehicle.Many people are not aware that Google has created the first totally autonomous automobile and now many states have created new laws allowing these robotic vehicles to acquire learner's driving permits.This in it's self is an issue that no one can really accurately predict because no one can be sure what may happen.Though cars learning to drive themselves seems bad enough the real threat of this advancement comes from the vast numbers of truck drivers,taxi drivers,and other delivery service drivers.Imagine if every large and small commercial truck seen on the interstates were being piloted by an onboard computer.A human driver that has to stop for food and rest and other bodily demands cannot compete with a machine that feels no fatigue or attachment to family,making robotic drivers more economically viable than human drivers.All the while doing whatever they are instructed to do with out error.With the new technological boundaries lifted by 3d printing,new and unusual robotics will be possible and soon autonomous vehicles will have their very own support robots for loading ,unloading,and roadside emergencies.The lack of removable or accessible parts due to 3d printing along with robotic mechanics will weaken the demand for auto repair specialist and general mechanics.
Technology is growing a incredible rates and the world and way we live will soon change so profoundly that many people will be totally unable to keep up with the rate of change,creating more and deeper divisions within society and quite possibly a break down of society as we know it today.
Nothing is for certain but the fact that we cannot begin to predict what dangers lie ahead for the citizens of the world.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Poverty The enemy that is ignored.

In the US presidential candidates are standing on stages and battling back and fourth with their mud slinging tactics and boldly claiming to be trying to help the middle class. It's middle class this and middle class that while ignoring the citizens that are in the most desperate need of protecting,the poor.The numbers of people living at or below the poverty line has skyrocketed in recent years to a crippling high of 16 %.One out of every three Americans are hovering dangerously close to the poverty level or living below it. The tragedy of being poor is often viewed by those more fortunate as laziness or inability to compete on a intellectual level,but according to research and investigation this is a misconception.Yes there are some small percentage of people who are in poverty that have made bad decisions and or haven't put forth their best effort to work,but the vast majority of people living in poverty are employed and working as hard as possible to provide for their families.
Why then is there so much poverty?There are many reason that the US is losing or has already lost the war on poverty and the biggest reason being a failing economy.Which has come from a fundamental drop in moral fiber within the wealthiest of Americans.Low business ethics lowered average wages,moving jobs oversees to increase profit,are but a few of the reasons Americans are trapped within poverty.The unpunished criminal behavior of Wall Street bankers left not only the US in financial upheaval but also bankrupted several entire countries around the globe.Has anything truly been done to prevent this type of bad business?No in fact impoverished peoples of the US help to bail out these corrupt and morally lacking individuals who received nothing more than a slap on the wrist. All the while Obama and Romney spew lies and false hope to the weakening middle class in contest for the next term in office. One thing you will not hear on the campaign trail is any attempt or stance to stop the corrupt shadow wars in third world countries and policies to take up arms against poverty.
Poverty equals dependence and dependence equates to nothing more but a means of control by the US government.People who rely on food stamps and government aide are in no position to stand in opposition to big government.Biting the hand that feeds is not an option for the poor.This type of control has been the norm through out the history of the human species and is on the rise again here in the land of equal opportunity.The ever increasing wealth gap between the ultra wealthy and the very poor is increasing and this problem is being ramped up by the super rich politicians which have taken control of the US government.Policy makers within the hallowed halls of government twist and skew law to fit the agendas of their super rich peers to ever increase the strangle hold on the common people of the US.This is but another tactic in the toppling of the Constitution of the US and is easily overlooked or ignored by most Americans due to a ridiculous perception of the as being "less"or "too sorry to work".
The blind denial of middle class citizens and false hope spewed by fat cat career politicians has effectively blinded most Americans to the possibility of joining the poor.Within the next 50 years the middle class will disappear and only a very few will join the ranks of the wealthy with the vast majority becoming dependent on state aide for survival.
Ever wonder how many Americans that hold office within the federal and state government were poor before being elected?The number is an astounding zero.This is not natural selection of the best qualified for the job it is a symptom of a politically corrupt hold on power.The candidate that wins is the candidate that is most easily led and controlled by established heads of power.This is the root of poverty within the US,not uneducated lazy citizens,but ridiculously corrupt unqualified cronies that can neither do the job in which the hold nor have the moral fiber to do the right thing on any level.With the exception of the elected officials that are intellectually incapable of seeing the corruption and blindly supporting their party.
The economy in recent years is a testament to the failure of the party system within government and should be a clear indication that the most wealthy Americans might have been lucky in financial pursuits but are not intellectual enough to see the consequences of their scramble to accumulate as much wealth as possible.The poor and lower middle class of Americans determine the health of any economy due to the amount of money they spend.Statistically the poor and lower middle class make up about 70% of flowing cash and business in any economy.This would imply that if the poor and lower middle class have no money to spend then every financial class will eventually suffer and in the end there will be the very few super rich and then everyone else.During this decline the US will become ever more dependent on foreign investing which will sway foreign policy and give control to powers that operate outside the US and quite possibly enemies of the US.For any who cannot see the decline of the US on a socio-economic level it is time to open your eyes and take a hard look at the US on everyday street corners.Then take an objective and thorough look into the laws and policies created by Washington and what effect it actually has on the people.Nothing in recent years has been done to end poverty in the opposite many things have been done to increase it.
The only way the middle class will avoid poverty and the poor will escape it is by changing the group in control of Washington.To end poverty cleansing of government is the only real solution.The elimination of the two party system along with striking down all of the Constitutionally illegal laws passed recently along with illegal laws passed early in the last century to hold back independents from coming to power.
Alas few Americans can see through the propaganda and self denial of the impending storm and before the citizens of this land take a stand many will suffer.The cloud of fear and self importance is a fog that most cannot see through and will be the blockade that stops this land from becoming the great land it could potentially become.If we as a people are very lucky we will unite before many die and suffer needlessly for the gain of the few.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Every week there are more and more disturbing events occurring within the governing body of the US,from passing laws that are contrary to The Constitution to The CIA's drone war and invasion of sovereign countries.The people of the US are facing not only enemies abroad but from within the halls of government.These issues present a very dangerous time for the US,and it is self evident that the "Red Blooded American " is alone in this valley of the shadows.The mainstream media that most people have grown to trust in the past for the critical information needed has betrayed the very hand that feeds and offers no help in this dark time in American history.The rights of American Citizens have diminished dramatically and privacy in reality no longer exists within the US.The NSA monitors every electronic form of communication used,Federal agencies can watch anyone at anytime with satellites with out any court order,Local and Federal agencies can now legally operate drones in the skies above America,and internet giants like Google and Facebook log internet activity and hand it over to government agencies,and on practically every street corner you can see surveillance equipment.The CIA has even laughed and admitted that soon they will be watching the citizen through their household appliances.The DHS has grown into a heavily armed and armor equipped force,even the IRS has been given it's own paramilitary type force.It is time for the public to drop the denial and delusions,the US is arming herself against her people.This treasonous act is being pursued more and more rapidly by the elected officials that have been entrusted with the defense of the people,and with the utmost contempt and hypocrisy the government openly condemns other governments that are in reality doing nothing different than the US government.
The President talks from both sides of his face and unfortunately mixes misinformation,deception and lies within his every public address removing any trust or merit.The CIA is waging wars that are unsupported and unregulated within the borders of other countries,killing civilians and friendly troops with no regard to the sovereignty of these countries.The White House and Pentagon release false reports on foreign policy and events,making claims that the war on terror has been won and have begun to draw troops from Afghanistan.Yet F-22's and F-16's are being deployed to undisclosed air bases within southern Asia.Decommissioned naval vessels have been called back into service and sent to the Persian Gulf while Washington says that there is not intent for war.The American public is being held in the dark and without any control of the direction the US takes.The stage is set,the pieces now line the board all that's left to be done is one emergency situation and martial law will be imposed.We are headed to a black hole and are nearing the event horizon and from there escape will be next to impossible,at the least bloody.Why are we being kept in the dark?The day is nearing ,how will the people of the US handle the coming attack on their very idea of life

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Outside Money Making The Race A Rich Man's Game : NPR

The citizens of the US are no longer a determining factor in political elections.With SuperPacs and unlimited funding within the "political business" only the wealthiest Americans voices are heard.Where these super rich people once remained in the shadows and tried to remain hidden,they are now openly and arrogantly stepping forward and pushing their self centered agendas with no fear or regard for the unfair means they use to hoard unimaginable wealth.The United States of America no longer stands as a country of equality and freedom,it has become the model of the "new cast system".Fat cat billionaires openly proclaim that through huge sums of money and with the aid of professional campaign firms,they are placing their own hand selected candidates in not only the White House but Congress as well.A sad day has come to the US and along with the loss of the majority of civil liberties the loss of the power of the vote is now another page in history.The American Dream has become just that,a dream.The end of liberty and freedom is at hand and a new era of feudal hierarchy has begun.All chances of peacefully influencing the laws and policies as well as fair majority rule have gone the way of the dinosaur.
It is said that history repeats itself and apparently the citizens of the US are witnessing first hand the rise of the Roman empire once again.The term "free man" and "citizen" are no longer a right that is inalienable but have become the birth right of the few super rich.If American citizens can watch and read the reports of this tragic aggressive take over without outrage and a call to arms then every man,woman and child that has died to defend this country have died for nothing but a lie and whim.To the patriotic American citizen an open and uninhibited report such as the one below should be seen as an attack on the sovereignty of the US and should be set right with the most extreme prejudice.For men to arrogantly tout that the President was placed in office by the super rich shows the disregard for the Constitution and is clearly nothing more than treasonous and base and should be dealt with with immediate and resolute unity of the 99% in whatever means needed to throw down this assault.With dealing with such arrogant self entitlement nothing nor no one should be given quarter if found in association or compliance with this disgusting perversion of the American way of life.Citizens of the US and the world the time to set right these blatant corrupt men and to set an example has come.
Eric J Fleming
Read the article and interviews from NPR below,steady yourself to be sickened.
Outside Money Making The Race A Rich Man's Game : NPR

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Spying and profiling Muslims in New Jersey is apparently fine — RT

The US has always been the model of justice and moderation but the powers that be have begun a paranoid violation of the rights of the people it is supposed to protect
Spying and profiling Muslims in New Jersey is apparently fine — RT

The shadow wars

Article on the US's shadow wars and the new policies of the US government
The shadow wars

Sunday, May 20, 2012

NDAA 2012 even more ominous

The NDAA 2012 has stirred a huge amount of controversy since it's silent transition into law on new years eve.The law mysteriously includes sections on the military having legal authority to police the citizens of the US on US soil as well as provisions of allowing the indefinite detention without fair trial or any representation of any who are deemed as terrorist,those aiding terrorist,affiliates of or providing any degree of support to terror groups or associated forces. There is no wording that specifically says that citizens of the US can be targeted but there is no wording protecting citizens either.There is however a section that states that the Executive branch may use it's own judgement when considering indefinite detention for American citizens and is not mandatory to detain indefinitely or refuse due process to Americans.This implies that the military and Executive branch can detain US citizens forever and refuse to allow US citizens due process if they see fit.
A group of journalists filed a lawsuit against the Federal government due to this inclusion stating that this law is in offense of the their rights as provided by the Constitution and the vague and broad wording could be used to arrest and detain journalists which wrongfully suppresses freedom of speech and freedom of the press.Earlier this week a supreme court judge ruled in favor of the journalists stating that the law is in offense to the Constitutional rights of the journalists and in violation of the Constitution itself. Although this ruling is a great victory for the citizens of the US and civil liberty it may be a ruling that is ignored by the federal government. Congress has put down attempts to remove the section authorizing the President and the military power to police the citizens of the US "in time of war and peace"This surprising and alarming series of events comes even after the constituents of most congressmen have flooded web sites with mail in opposition to the law.At the same time many states and individual cities have put legislation in place stating that they do not see the NDAA 2012 as legal and IS unlawful,also stating that they would not comply with federal policing and detaining citizens without due process. So why, in good conscience ,would members of congress be so rock solid in protecting the sections on indefinite detention and Pres/military power? Why would any true American allow this law to be passed to begin with?Supporters of the sections on indefinite detention and citizens say that this inclusion does not grant any new authority that laws are already in place that allow the very same authority.So this being the case why are these words even included buried deep within the NDAA2012 which is a defense budget? Why also only 7 members of Congress voted in opposition to this law both in it's first appearance and since it was ruled as un Constitutional by the supreme court?It seems odd that this Congress has been determined to be the most partisan in US history and has accomplished less than any other that has come before would vote almost unanimously in favor of this attack on civil liberty.
Along with many other recent un Constitutional laws the citizen of the US has seriously lost the majority of freedom as given by the Constitution and Barak Obama has surprisingly surpassed even Bush jr in working to remove citizens rights and privacy.Since the Congress almost unanimously passed HR-347 citizens have lost the legal right to peacefully protest within line of sight of any government building or individual under secret service protection.Between the two these laws have almost totally removed the ability of citizens to influence even the smallest government policy or decision.Along with these incredible attacks on citizens rights,the EO and FCC and FAA have made it legal to monitor and record US citizens by use of any electronic communication,satellites,and drones. Privacy is literally gone,no American citizen has the right to any degree of privacy any longer.Why aren't more Americans alarmed and outraged by this?Denial,complacency,ignorance and delusion cloud the people of the US.Where US citizens were once laughed at for being so gullible and stupid by citizens of other countries now the sentiment is of empathy and pity.People from other countries are alarmed and saddened that the citizens of this great land have almost totally become oppressed and do not even realize the extent of their situation..
It is a sad and dark time in which we find ourselves my fellow Americans.A time of rampant corruption and greed running unchecked and unchallenged within the sacred halls of this great land.Men of questionable morals wage wars inside other countries without our knowledge or approval,using tactics and equipment that many around the globe consider unconventional and illegal under the Geneva Convention. No country's borders are being considered sovereign and thousands of innocent civilians have been killed in these shadow wars.All the while here at home our elected public servants that receive tax dollars as payment for representing our interests are effectively removing our rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Our economy has been devastated by incompetent corruption at the highest levels and tax dollars have been given to less than honest or ethical corporations to save them from bankruptcy.The amount of un accountable loss of tax dollars has exceeded 9 trillion dollars since the year 2000 ,and no investigation has been called for by any branch of the US government.It is a time for serious thought and all Americans need to come to terms with who they are and just what they are willing to accept and what value and ideas do they stand for. We teach our children in schools and home that this is the land of the free and the home of the brave yet we sit while a few men take everything our fathers,sons,wives,daughters and fellow Americans have fought and died to provide and protect.
How long America? How many more have to suffer and die in ridiculous wars fought not for freedom but in the interests of shadow groups and foreign powers that hold the debt that corruption created?This is your country,our country not the land of the 1% and the corrupt.How long? 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

3 Accused Of Planning Attack On Obama's Chicago HQ : NPR

The police state begins in Chicago.When more security guards walk the streets of Chicago on a weekend than residents something very wrong is happening in the US. Three young men were arrested in what appears to be a false flag event that allows local and federal law enforcement to legally take control of Chicago and implement martial law.The young men are being charged with terrorism which essentially removes any rights or protection by the Constitution,although it is suspected that in a show of good faith the men will be allowed some rights.This will be an attempt to keep down dissention and have the outward appearance of following due process even though bail has been set at 1.5million dollars.What average American could meet such a ridiculously high bail?Many murderers and rapists do not receive such an unattainable  number.
So it begins,and sadly by all the signs lately the may not be an end very soon.In the following year do not be surprised if many more Americans are not wrongfully charged with some form of terrorism or the like.All the Americans that blindly support the government and corrupt elect3ed officials are soon to get the America the have been asking for.An America that seems more like 1970's Soviet Bloc provinces than a free country.
What a sign to show the world.If the attacks of 911 were perpetrated by terrorists then the current state at which the US resides is a cause for every terrorist around the world to celebrate victory.This was the goal of terrorist attack on the US,and due to idiots in the top levels of state and federal government that goal has been achieved.The terrorist have won the US is beaten. Since 911 we have lost most of our civil liberties and now stand to lose any rights that remain. It's time to wake up America,not one man is more important or better than any other according to the Bible and the Constitution.These are inalienable rights and due to complacency,denial and an attempt by corporate America to over throw the Constitution they are being taken away. It is time for the people of this great land to stand up and demand change and the government to release control back to the people.If the citizens of the US do not unify and stand together and act on these wrongs within our lifetime we will literally live under the rule of an evil empire. It has begun,the players are on the field and the buzzer has sounded.What we the people of America do? We shall see soon.
3 Accused Of Planning Attack On Obama's Chicago HQ : NPR

Friday, May 18, 2012

DEA Involvement in Latin America: Questioning U.S. Drug War Strategies | The Global Minute

Another example of a failed foreign policy that demonizes the US and it's unsuspecting citizens.Making bitter driven enemies on all fronts seem to be the ultimate goal within the halls of government.America needs to gain control of the reckless and backward policies that questionable men in office pursue.
See the article below
DEA Involvement in Latin America: Questioning U.S. Drug War Strategies | The Global Minute

Political Parade thoughts on Obama's aggressive attack on press freedom.

Why is the Obama administration so aggressively trying to bully the press?What are the reasons behind the subpoenas and appeals from DOJ? The Obama administration needs to back off of their assault on the Constitution from every angle.Obama and his corrupt corporate cronies are beginning to walk on the razor's edge and appears they don't really care that the public opinion of their actions has begun to turn from alarm to anger.The NSA and CIA have become rogue entities that act above all oversight and quite literally "do whatever  the hell they want",and the American people should reign in these out of control criminals before they end up causing the needless harm of US citizens by way of terrorist reprisal or from underworld evil false flag attacks by the agencies themselves. They have self approved the rights to do whatever they want to do in the name of "Freedom".Give me a break this corrupt men with blood soaked hands have not a shred of descent American Patriotism within them.If they did they wouldn't be violating civil liberties and working above the law.
What is Barack Obama afraid will leak out? This is just another of Obama's less than honest and questionable moves. If the Pres has nothing to hide along with NSA and CIA why are they so worried? They are worried because they either want to do something that the people of the US will not approve of or they have already done something that the people will not approve of. Either way these acts can be seen as criminal and Obama and his "buddies"in the spy world should be investigated with extreme prejudice and if or when any illegal activity has been discovered should be punished to the fullest extent of the LAW.
The people of the US have suffered fools such as these for too many years.Too many sons,daughter,husbands and fathers have paid the ultimate price for the lies and dishonest activities of the corrupt criminals in Washington. This country does not belong to the idiotic elite that are attempting to take total control.They are not intellectual enough to lead anyway,this is all too evident for the citizens of this country.The economy is broken and quite possibly will not weather the storm of idiots in control.Foreign policy has turned from being the model of justice and good to the world's evil empire.This is not due to the people of the US it is due to the immoral and criminal ridiculous behavior of insane madmen allowed to infiltrate our government by greedy fat waisted career politicians who need to get a job and pull their weight instead of bleeding the people of the US.
Eric J Fleming
See the article below for the outrageous behavior of the people we elect and pay to defend and protect us.
'Reporter's Privilege' Under Fire From Obama Administration Amid Broader War On Leaks

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Homeland Battlefield Act Portion Found Unconstitutional By New York Judge

Another major court ruling is handed down ruling that the provisions of the NDAA 2012 on detention of citizens seen to be "affiliates" or "associated" with terror groups,is un-Constitutional and the definitions outlined are too vague and broad.This is seen as a great victory for civil liberty and free speech and shows a trend of "Americans becoming active in reversing the damage that has been done to liberty by questionable members of government".This is a growing trend and should be the top priority of all US citizens,and should be elevated to the level of cleansing of corruption within big government.Where the citizens of the US purge the shadowy figures and special interest lobbyists from the halls of government along with their "associated forces or affiliates".
Homeland Battlefield Act Portion Found Unconstitutional By New York Judge

Obama Campaign Raises $43.6 Million in April | PBS NewsHour

This is why the people of the US have no influence upon elected officials.This is fundamentally ridiculous to allow "legal bribery" or actually this is quite literally being an employee working on behalf of and for the interest of the entity producing the money.That we have allowed the Dems and Repubs to bend and twist the law making process to protect and strengthen their ability to "work"the system,seems strange. . As long as we ignorantly allow this openly corrupt practice we hand over any ability to have a voice in the decision process to the corporate sector.
Obama Campaign Raises $43.6 Million in April | PBS NewsHour

As Congress Mulls Mandate on Car Black Boxes, Data Ownership Remains Unclear | Autopia |

As Congress Mulls Mandate on Car Black Boxes, Data Ownership Remains Unclear | Autopia |

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Obama's war is apparently none of your concern.

Several weeks ago an article released here in the darkside explained reports by military and private sources that the US was amassing F-15 e's and F-22 Raptors at an undisclosed location in around or near the Arabian peninsula .Further sightings of naval supply and forward operating base ships along with destroyers have been mysteriously reported along the African coast.New clues are pointing to another undisclosed full out war with most probably terrorist groups from Yemen and or Somalia.So why does the government keep conducting these combat raids and shadow operations with out announcing publicly that we are once again   engaged in  all out war?The attitude Obama and the intelligence agencies have is that the citizens of the US are not intelligent enough to understand politics and foreign policies or the incredibly ridiculous and growing deficit. Reports from the area near the Arabian Peninsula claim that for at least the last two days F-15 E's have been conducting missions back to back non stop heading south with full bomb loads and coming back empty. Seems like a huge amount of ordinance to be attacking a terror group or band of pirates.
Other reports from the area suggest special ops teams operating from offshore naval staging and command vessels.This is a combination that rarely is used together but,makes a deadly combination when one specop team acts as a forward locating and target designation.Followed by high precision fast moving fighter/bomber strikes at key tactical targets. Then followed by a slightly larger heavier armed sweeping team to take advantage of the chaos,fear,and confusion to achieve an inescapable extremely fast cleansing of the earth.
Regardless of the total accuracy of these reports enough have been received that confirm that there are US war planes conducting missions at an undisclosed location in or around the Eastern coastline of Northern Africa.
This new strategy of shadow warfare and keeping the citizens in the dark and or deception and diversion tactics and policies is very alarming. In hiding these events and circumstances from the people of the US the true merit of the underlying agenda is clearly shown to be less than moral or legal.Such juvenile behavior will surely be harmful to how the US is viewed on the world stage as well as continuing to sew the seeds of distrust and disapproval by the citizens.At some point it appears that the people of the US are going to have to set straight  this corrupt and disrespectful group of idiotic ,arrogant,criminals of Washington.The CIA and NSA are becoming rogue agencies and keeping way too many secrets and operating above the laws of the US. These groups along with Obama should take care not to do much more pushing for public approval is practically non-existent within the majority of the actively watching people of the US. At this point any move against citizen civil liberty by the President or any of these agencies could become an explosive and bloody house cleaning by the US citizens.If these idiots push the American patriotic public too far blood will mark these days forever.A truly wise and capable leader would put an end to the clandestine behavior towards it's own citizens before things begin to move in a direction that cannot be peacefully resolved.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The NSA has been declared unaccountable and above investigation by the supreme court.The beginning of the end.

Apparently the NSA(National Security Agency)does not now or will ever have to disclose any information or activities that it does not want to disclose.Are these people that are currently in the highest levels of government so ignorant or uneducated that they can not see the inherent danger in giving any agency this type of power?Do these people have any intellect what so ever? In actuality what this says is that the NSA can do what ever it wants whenever and however with no regard to any law and answers to no one.This ignorant ruling by ridiculously inadequate or corrupt people has signed sealed and solidified the NSA as the most powerful agency on the planet.No other body rules above this questionable agency with solid ruling such as this,so the heads of this agency can essentially retain their power and dance around and trample over the laws and any rights of American citizens that it sees fit because it has no one to answer to and no one can investigate any of it's actions and since it does not have to disclose any information it could assassinate as many Americans or control any market,or toy with any government it sees fit with absolutely no oversight.The alarming reality of this is that the NSA can and most definitely will become the governing body of the US in time.
To the ignorant judges that have just created the monster of the future,any and all blood and sorrow that stems from this ridiculously idiotic ruling will be on your hands and on your legacy.After much disparity your names will go down in history as the enablers of this terrible beginning to the most infamous agency the world has ever known.In this understanding may you realize that even your children and children's children will undoubtedly suffer from your lack of cognitive ability to reason above your delusional self superiority and denial.For they shall be no different from any other in the face of this monster you have set upon America.Your lack of vision and clouded minds have put but another nail in the coffin of what was once a great nation.For what gain do you trade our God given rights away?Is it monetary?For your power is as short lived as the civil liberties of the citizens of the land.Your arrogance and delusion is disgusting and pathetic.The oathes you muttered upon appointment are as meaningless as you have now become upon giving this agency power above even your rule. Idiots.
see the unfortunate article below.
Court rules that Google-NSA spy ties can remain secret –

Carrol Shelby R.I.P.

Carrol Shelby the sports car icon and legend died yesterday at 89 years old.Mr.Shelby was responsible for putting the US on the national racing chart in the 1960's by taking the European racing scene by storm with American v-8 muscle.Designer of the specialty line of Ford Mustang Cobras and Shelby Cobras and the iconic Shelby Cobra 427 sportster then again in the 1980's with the Mopar line of turbo 4 cylinder Shelbys that helped breath new life into Dodge.Returning to muscle-up Mustangs in the 1990's and on into the next century.Carrol Shelby is name that goes hand in hand with American brute force high performance and his death marks the passing of a beloved legend within the high performance sector.No single man can be known to have the credit of so many race inspired creations and his name defines an era of American performance and racing within the world of cars.

Rest In Piece Mr. Shelby,your legend will live on within the hearts and minds of teenagers young and old through out the world.

On Citizenship Question, Bachmann Not So Neutral : It's All Politics : NPR

Conflict of interest is an issue rampant within the halls of the US government.Here is just the latest of many different conflicts of interest.Why does this even matter to the GOP when most are not so simple and the majority are in fact criminal in nature?Again another show of hypocrisy inside of one of the "big two"parties.
On Citizenship Question, Bachmann Not So Neutral : It's All Politics : NPR

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Political Parade: Thoughts on the "US double agent within Al-Qaeda"

Analysis of the reports of the US double agent within Al-Qaeda
Political Parade: Thoughts on the "US double agent within Al-Qaeda"

Political Parade

Do you trust what is reported?Read this on Political Parade and make your own decision.
Political Parade

Oops! Air Force Drones Can Now (Accidentally) Spy on You | Danger Room |

More regulation and rules must be covered to ensure Americans keep some of the diminishing privacy left.As citizens of the US military officials should begin to recognize the rights and freedoms in which they have sworn to protect are being assaulted from within.The vast majority of military personnel are very honest patriotic Americans willing to risk their lives for liberty and are being put into a situation of great conflict.While serving in the military political affiliation is not allowed and military personnel are supposed to remain objective and un-biased to political belief.Although when political parties are systematically removing Constitutional rights should the military follow politically motivated elected officials or the Constitution and the people that are to be protected by the Constitution?Here lies the dilemma faced by the military at present.The Executive and Legislative branches of the US government are walking a fine line and under the mask of protecting Americans for terror are removing American"s rights provided by the Constitution.This is very dangerous business and should be taken more seriously by the people of the US and by Congress and the military.Obama's anti-Constitutional sentiment surpasses that of Bush jr.and along with questionable members of Congress have passed bills into law that 50 years ago would have been considered illegal and treasonous no matter of the changing times and situations.So should the military follow orders of the commander and chief when his orders are contrary to the Constitution? According to the founding fathers NO.Being good standing patriotic citizens of the US the military should follow no order that polices,detains,or bears arms against the citizens of the US no matter of the situation.This in plain language says that spying on US citizens is forbidden by the military and every honest American within the military whether ordered or instructed should and can refuse to take part in this treasonous behavior.If after refusing to partake in questionable activities any one that is punished or dismissed from military service simply should report the event to every media organization and citizen and public disapproval and outcry will handle the rest. Too many people think that the American public is defenseless against the powers that be but to make this issue very clear let's look at the math.The US military makes up about 1.2% of the population,the questionable powers of government 1%,delusional party followers .2%,mindless law enforcement .1%.Which leaves 96.6% of the population of the United States of America.This is why racism is promoted by the government and mainstream media as well as ethnic,financial,cultural issues,social issues amplified and antagonized,to produce division.The unsavory elements of our society realize that a united America is a danger to their corrupt agendas so along with the media and other forms of propaganda they attempt to subdue. Although the US does have a degree of division the vast majority of the American public will unite when it comes to the good of humanity and all of the military,government,corporate dictators,Wall street thieves and their cronies are nothing compared to the united will of the American citizens.This is why we should make a decision to correct the wrongs of this country and with small effort it can be done.
Eric J Fleming
See Wired report below for the inspiration of above post.
Oops! Air Force Drones Can Now (Accidentally) Spy on You | Danger Room |

Monday, May 7, 2012

In the dark

Every week there are more and more disturbing events occurring within the governing body of the US,from passing laws that are contrary to The Constitution to The CIA's drone war and invasion of sovereign countries.The people of the US are facing not only enemies abroad but from within the halls of government.These issues present a very dangerous time for the US,and it is self evident that the "Red Blooded American " is alone in this valley of the shadows.The mainstream media that most people have grown to trust in the past for the critical information needed has betrayed the very hand that feeds and offers no help in this dark time in American history.The rights of American Citizens have diminished dramatically and privacy in reality no longer exists within the US.The NSA monitors every electronic form of communication used,Federal agencies can watch anyone at anytime with satellites with out any court order,Local and Federal agencies can now legally operate drones in the skies above America,and internet giants like Google and Facebook log internet activity and hand it over to government agencies,and on practically every street corner yo can see surveillance equipment.The CIA has even laughed and admitted that soon they will be watching the citizen through their household appliances.The DHS has grown into a heavily armed and armor equipped force,even the IRS has been given it's own paramilitary type force.It is time for the public to drop the denial and delusions,the US is arming herself against her people.This treasonous act is being pursued more and more rapidly by the elected officials that have been entrusted with the defense of the people,and with the utmost contempt and hypocrisy the government openly condemns other governments that are in reality doing nothing different than the US government.

The President talks from both sides of his face and unfortunately mixes misinformation,deception and lies within his every public address removing any trust or merit.The CIA is waging wars that are unsupported and unregulated within the borders of other countries,killing civilians and friendly troops with no regard to the sovereignty of these countries.The White House and Pentagon release false reports on foreign policy and events,making claims that the war on terror has been won and have begun to draw troops from Afghanistan.Yet F-22's and F-16's are being deployed to undisclosed air bases within southern Asia.Decommissioned naval vessels have been called back into service and sent to the Persian Gulf while Washington says that there is not intent for war.The American public is being held in the dark and without any control of the direction the US takes.The stage is set,the pieces now line the board all that's left to be done is one emergency situation and martial law will be imposed.We are headed to a black hole and are nearing the event horizon and from there escape will be next to impossible,at the least bloody.Why are we being kept in the dark?The day is nearing ,how will the people of the US handle the coming attack on their very idea of life
Eric J Fleming 

Congress Funds Killer Drones the Air Force Says It Can't Handle | Danger Room |

The Air Force says it doesn't have enough trained operators for more drones but congress is piling huge sums of cash into the Air Force budget for drones.They are also dumping huge amounts of borrowed dollars into the Navy for advanced war ships.The alarming part is that the Air Force and Navy hadn't been presenting arguments to land more funding,The Air Force in particular wants to slow down but Congress Placed the funds in their lap regardless.With all of the other events and issues at present it has become evident that Washington knows something that they're not telling the citizen population.While F-22 Raptors and F-15 Strike Eagles are being quietly amassed to an undisclosed location in South Asia,the USS Enterprise was pulled from dry dock where it was awaiting decommission and the scrap yard and sent to the Persian Gulf. Then there's the sudden decision to call the war on terror in Afghanistan a success and withdraw troops,the only combat forces still active are the drones that are invading other countries raining hellfire missiles at will.All of these facts along with Obama and Congress putting laws and resources into place that will authorize and facilitate martial law.Apparently something is brewing on the horizon and the government doesn't think the public has the right to know.
Congress Funds Killer Drones the Air Force Says It Can't Handle | Danger Room |

Political Parade: CIA Thwarts New, More Sophisticated Underwear Bomber : The Two-Way : NPR

Political Parade: CIA Thwarts New, More Sophisticated Underwear Bomber : The Two-Way : NPR

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Anonymous: CIA, Interpol websites 'tango down' — RT

Anonymous has apparently taken down the CIA and Interpol websites in protest of CISPA.CISPA passed the US House last week and many view the bill to be another of the US's attempts to control and police the internet. Eric J Fleming See the RT report below. Anonymous: CIA, Interpol websites 'tango down' — RT

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Group Aiming To Bypass Party Politics Hits Bumps : NPR

As more and more Americans grow weary of the "big two" and their corrupt partisan bickering support for a third party grows.The US has been held hostage by the Dems and Repubs for over a hundred years and our foreign policies and economy are showing the signs of a limited choice of candidates.When there is only two choices in an election and those choices are determined by the party crony system instead of skill and qualifications what you end up with are elected officials that are not qualified for leadership roles.This is where the US stands today as the economy is in shambles and enemies abroad grow exponentially. This along with allowing SuperPacs and private funding of campaigns has effectively immersed the government of the US in corruption and incompetence.This is why the only bills that the"big two"can agree on are the ones that remove citizen's rights and secure the career politicians a place within the governing body.Even though this new party and their beliefs are questionable(due to the majority being from Dem or Rep parties),this small step is a step forward in the right direction.By introducing a strong contender into the fray,the other two will have to choose to back the candidates in their party that are more qualified for the job,where the normal backing would go to the candidate that "tows the party line"Expect to see more bizarre and Constitutionally illegal moves from Washington as dis-approval grows and competition becomes more of a threat.
Eric J Fleming
See NPR report below.
Group Aiming To Bypass Party Politics Hits Bumps : NPR

Money, Power and Wall Street | FRONTLINE | PBS

 This investigative series from Frontline should be seen by every American citizen.This is the incredible real account of the bailout and how Washington gave the corrupt banking establishment billions of tax dollars and did this without requiring any type of promises or collateral or set standards. While a few officials wanted to let the banks suffer for their criminal behavior Tim Gietner and Obama amazingly defended and protected these men that caused the global recession that has bankrupted many governments and put millions of people into poverty and or homelessness.All the while these corrupt thieves raised salaries and gave increased bonuses with American tax dollars. If you are one of those who do not believe that the banks own our government you should watch this series and become enlightened to the reality of the United States
Money, Power and Wall Street | FRONTLINE | PBS

FBI Wants Backdoors in Facebook, Skype and Instant Messaging | Threat Level |

 Another story of the government attempting to completely remove any right to privacy of the people of the US.Are these men this paranoid?It would seem to be this worried about the American public the government were experiencing some type of guilt or fear that something unseen might become known and are afraid of the reaction by the people of the US. We lose more and more freedom everyday and the whole issue is becoming very alarming.Is there a threat so severe that we are not being told?Or are they attempting some type of sinister plot to subdue the people of this county?How long are we going to allow this to continue?
FBI Wants Backdoors in Facebook, Skype and Instant Messaging | Threat Level |

At Sept. 11 Trial, Military Commissions Face Scrutiny : NPR

 No matter how appalling the attacks of Sept.11 2001 may be as a people and a country we should not drop our standards in any circumstance or the death of the men,women,and children and the service men and women since that day are all in vain. As a people we must not allow our government to continue to disregard everything this country has represented and lower the values that our fathers sons and daughters have fought to uphold.In dropping below our standards we effectively allow the terror groups to win in their quest to "change" or "mark"the US. We should remind the public servants that have been "elected "by the citizens that they are there to represent the citizen and abide by the Constitution of the US.More and more the US has begun to resemble the countries that we are at war with rather than remaining a model of justice,liberty and good in the world.How much longer are we going to let men act beyond the legal boundaries that are set by the Constitution?Are we so complacent that we are indifferent to the fact that our image is one of greed and impunity?Does the fact that even our closest allies have begun to view the US with disdain and suspicion? Is Obama an American with American values or does he even have any control over the rogue agencies that are under his command?
At Sept. 11 Trial, Military Commissions Face Scrutiny : NPR

Friday, May 4, 2012

US drone strike kills 10 militants in Pakistan - Hindustan Times

After Pakistan's Parliament ruled that the CIA drone attacks were illegal the US has struck again killing ten militants inside Pakistani borders.Relations with Pakistan are already strained to the point that it closed the supply routes used by allied forces in Afghanistan,but the CIA and Executive branch apparently feel that honoring the laws of US allies is not a big deal.Not only is the drone war counter productive in the war on terror but also is creating more anti-American sentiment within allied countries.Actions like these create strong distrust within the global community and are viewed as a sign that the US will cross the borders of any country it so chooses with out regard to their sovereignty.Is this the type of hypocritical disrespectful image America wishes to pursue? It would appear that some fundamental morals are missing within the members of The government of the US.
US drone strike kills 10 militants in Pakistan - Hindustan Times

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Alleged US Army doc: re-education camps and psy-op missions aimed at activists — RT

Reports of a new military document were released this week that outline practices of psychological warfare,specifically "brainwashing" and re-education.Apparently the alleged manual has plans of detention and resettlement of political activists as well as anyone not holding with American beliefs.
Alleged US Army doc: re-education camps and psy-op missions aimed at activists — RT

"Overwhelming military-type response" - Oakland cops could face sanctions for OWS actions — RT

"Overwhelming military-type response" - Oakland cops could face sanctions for OWS actions — RT
By vast accounts of brutality from law enforcement officers,it is quite clear that these"public servants" have become confused as to the definitions of "To Protect and Serve".An alarming number of recorded,documented,and witnessed accounts of police brutality are like a steady stream from practically every big city within the US.At some point there should be a review on the material used by police academies when training new recruits,apparently there is confusing language pertaining to American Citizens exercising 1rst Amendment rights. If that does not seem to help then there should possibly be some sort of anger/aggression/IQ/citizenship testing that has to be completed before new recruits are accepted .This type of SS behavior is totally unacceptable,and is creating an oncoming clash that will almost certainly turn bloody for both sides.
To all law enforcement officers-Where did you attend grade school?Did they have courses on Social Studies and or American History?Do you have the cognitive ability to understand that by attacking the 1rst amendment rights of citizens you are also attacking your own 1rst amendment rights?Are you capable of considering that maybe the right thing to do is not what your commanding officer instructs you to do.Maybe you can process this-By attacking the rights of US citizens that are guaranteed by the Constitution of the US you are attacking the sovereignty of the US and committing an act of treason.If you need time to use a dictionary feel free to do so.
There seems to be some confusion to the definition of "PublicServant" within many public  service sectors and a shift from the idea of the American citizen being the most important link in this democratic society to  general disdain,suspicion and superiority of the American citizen.This is fundamentally backward thinking and should be corrected before nation wide opinion of law enforcement officers drop to a violent level.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Can a government function without going into debt?

Through out America's history there has been debt. The moment the US was born it was born into debt.In the beginning the debt was for the funding of the war for Independence,then because federal taxes were non-existent.None of the founding fathers had ever had any experience with a "democratic"government, so much of the debt of the early years were due to inexperience and could be considered a learning curve.
Today the debt comes from several factors,un-needed programs,dishonest programs,misuse of facilities and funds,lack of public oversight,lack of qualified leaders and more. The only president within the last 100 years to seriously make a positive change and balance the budget was Jimmy Carter.President Crater was intent to cut any lavish and unnecessary spending from the food served on Air Force One to White House dinners,and you see what happened to his administration.His own party turned on him and he never say a second term.This is a fundamental and moral flaw in our society,the notion that gain out weighs all else.
Congress and the Executive branch are forever locked in wrestling and wrangling over how to get out of debt,but never address all of the luxuries,benefits and misuse of funds.The US health care system and other programs that should be in place are cut and downsized but yet a roll of toilet paper cost the Fed about ten dollars. This is career politics at it's best,spending above and beyond reason.Along with paying ridiculously high prices to "contractors" and vendors that have ties to the Presidential and Legislative leaders,the government spends billions of dollars each year on financial and military aid to our allies and our enemies.Where is the rational of this?The tax paying citizen of the US is obligated to pay the incredible and out of control  sums of money that is irresponsibly or dishonestly spent each year.
It is time to demand accountability and every citizen should investigate the money spent and what it is spent on.After doing this each and every person should begin calling,e-mailing and writing letters to there area's elected officials.As long as there is no public out cry you are going to have these un-conceivable deficits and career politicians are going to further cut the tax rate for the class that they are in.
Demand more from these "public servants" by asking questions and spreading knowledge so that every one can see which elected officials should not see another term.
In the very near future the government will be called on to make some important changes due to laws and policies that have been put into place for the sole purpose of subduing citizens and limiting their ability to influence. When the government steps too far  and the US finally steps up and takes control , careful attention should be payed to vendors, and contractors and the services and/or products that they sell and remove any that are outrageous or not needed..It is time to put the US back on track and become the society that operates on values and honesty and end the many known and unknown wars.It's time to operate  without the debt.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Asking for trouble: NYPD announced it's ready for May Day violence — RT

Asking for trouble: NYPD announced it's ready for May Day violence — RT

Red Cross prepares Chicago for mass exodus during NATO Summit? — RT

Red Cross prepares Chicago for mass exodus during NATO Summit? — RT What's up ahead for Chicago?The NATO summit scheduled to be held in Chicago is already being treated as a natural disaster.The Red Cross has already began preparing emergency shelters anticipating a huge exodus from Chicago.While law enforcement officials are already planning where to imprison protesters and armed security forces are gearing up and deploying three weeks in advance.Chicago will either be the next false flag terror event or state and federal government are planning on setting a grim example with any protest that occur.Every day more and more a dark shadow is creeping upon the flag of the US.SU679W9PKBBB

Congress Wants Broken Laser to Zap North Korea's Broken Missiles | Danger Room |

Congress Wants Broken Laser to Zap North Korea's Broken Missiles | Danger Room |
Yes the US has an unlimited supply of money and should be handing the stuff out by the truck load.After all we don't have to pay it back,our kids do so, "Raw hide"! What's next to spend money on?

Political Parade

Political Parade

Monday, April 30, 2012

DHS wants to read your brain — RT

This degree of paranoia running rampant within government agencies is dangerous and telling.Why would an American agency operated by Americans want to go to such far fetched extreme measures against it's own citizens?Why are all US citizens being viewed as possible suspects now?Is this paranoid stance all in good intentions or do they know something that we don't know? The guilty dog barks first and barks loudest.The alarming posture that the US government has taken is a very dangerous.It seems very likely that they know something big is about to take place or they are planning to do something big, We will soon find out.
DHS wants to read your brain — RT

Virginia lawmakers agree to reject NDAA — RT

It's good to see that there are still some citizens that believe in the Constitution
Virginia lawmakers agree to reject NDAA — RT

Darrell Issa: ‘Most corrupt’ government in history - Tim Mak -

Darrell Issa: ‘Most corrupt’ government in history - Tim Mak -

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Talks Between U.S. and Pakistan Fail Over Airstrike Apology -

 Here we go on the road to isolation.Pakistan has been less than forthcoming about insurgents moving within their borders but the US and the drone war of the CIA and then the recent bombing of Pakistani forces is a little over the line.From the country that is supposed to be above injustice and the beacon of righteousness and good on the world stage these intrusions are an embarrassment to the citizens of this country.Behavior of this sort will almost guarantee more anti American fanaticism that leads to terrorist groups growing along with funding and support for such groups.Despite the propaganda and excuses spouted from the pentagon and capitol hill this type of behavior is unacceptable from civilized intelligent adults. The people that feel entitled by birth or financial stature continue to show their inept ability to make intelligent decisions and inability to be leaders.
Talks Between U.S. and Pakistan Fail Over Airstrike Apology -

War on the horizon?

The US is quietly amassing the ultra formidable F-22 Raptors and upgraded F-15 Strike Eagles at bases in the Middle East.This force represents the most lethal air to air dog fight presence in the world.Is this a sign of impending air superiority intentions to clear the way for a land based invasion force?This comes after the U.S.S. Enterprise is pulled from the scrap yard and returned to service and sent to the Middle east.Are the powers that be setting the stage for an "incident"that will provide a reason to declare all-out war with Iran?It would not be the first time the US sacrificed a Naval vessel to open the door to war,which was the reasoning behind the Vietnam conflict. As well as the way Lincoln ignited hostilities leading the way to the Civil War. Considering the Naval power of the US and lack of hostile countries that possess the power to pose a viable threat, why would this antiquated air craft carrier be pulled from dry dock where it was slated to be dismantled and scrapped? If during the Enterprise's presence in the Gulf it comes under attack then the answer will be quite obvious and rather ridiculous.Maybe for the sake of the sailors aboard the vessel it is just an attempt to show overwhelming force in the area and to deter any further hostilities.
This is a mysterious move considering that tensions have begun to fall between Iran and the members of the UN due to reports and intelligence suggesting that Iran is not close to having the ability to produce a nuclear weapon of mass destruction.It is surprising that Obama is making this move after running defensive diplomatic stances at Israel earlier this year and trying to tame the Israeli war horse and prevent an Israeli preemptive strike. The events of the debate and lessened risk reports could possibly be just another "dog and pony"show to throw off the attention of the citizens of the US and other countries that oppose another war that the US cannot afford.Setting the stage for a false flag event where the US is wrongfully attacked in an attempt to win the support of the general public and the world,calling for grim and resolute response and another war.Time will tell and it would not surprise many people if the Enterprise were attacked and possibly sunk along with thousands of innocent navy men and women in the same questionable form as the attacks of Sept. 11th 2001. Surely the men that are in control of our government will not be that dense in thinking the people of this country will be fooled by such a predictable ploy.As stated,time will tell.

Friday, April 27, 2012

House Passes Controversial Cybersecurity Measure CISPA | Threat Level |

 House passes CISPA like good little sheep.
Apparently the elected officials that are supposed to represent our best interests in Washington have voted to remove some more of the small amount of civil liberties we have left.Every citizen should inquire this to find out the members of Congress that voted to pass this bill and see that they don't spend another term tearing down Liberty.The paranoid powers that be want to remove all sources of information available and have the right to spy on every citizen as if we were all criminals.This is so they can see potential threats to their power and control and implement the measures provided by the NDAA 2012 and make any who oppose their "Rule" disappear.These corrupt thieves and tyrants feel entitled to powers above and unrestricted by the Constitution of the US. For all those who are still in denial of the US becoming a totalitarian police state that is no longer for the people by the people it won't be much longer now and all doubt will fade into tears and dread.The IRS has revoked the passports of anyone owing back taxes along with removing their rights to purchase fire arms and have been given their own militarized swat force. Home land security has been building an army of armored vehicles and troops and weapons.The FAA has made it legal to operate drones in American airspace to spy on citizens.The NSA has built four huge new information gathering and monitoring facilities all across the US.Obama has implemented 60 year old EO's giving the executive branch absolute authority.The Legislative branch has passed laws removing the ability to peaceful protest.How much more do the sheep need to see?Unfortunately they are going to see a lot more in the days to come.The CIA has openly and disdainfully laughed and announced that they are going to make it mandatory that appliance manufacturers install GEO location and surveillance equipment into all new appliances so that they can"Spy on us through our dishwashers". All these among other attacks on the Constitution can be perceived as an attack on the sovereignty of the United States of America and all those guilty can be seen as treasonous. But it can't happen to us ,not here in the US.Right.

Living under the drones

The US drone program was put into action during 2000 and has escalated incredibly till present days.The first successful drones were for aerial recon and surveillance of ground forces for situational planning and strike force targeting.UN-manned aircraft like the predator A were so successful and undetectable that eventually the decision to outfit the drones with hell fire missiles seemed only logical.The predatorB came into it's own with hell fire missiles hanging under it's wings and the success of this new weapon ushered in a new type of warfare.For the first time in history a man could sit in a facility in the US and destroy targets on the other side of the planet.From owning a handful of drones in 2000 the US increased it's drone count to around 20,000 in 2012. The lethality of these drones have become more and more alarming and many countries around the world have adopted some form of drone army or are in the process of building one.Early in 2012 the FAA made it legal to own and operate drones within the US and now most law enforcement officials are buying their own drones for surveying and watching US citizens.Some of these "UAV's" are silent and can remain over an area for hours sending live images effectively removing the very little privacy the US citizen had left after the NSA began eavesdropping on every form of electronic communication. Although this is alarming the upsetting issue with drones is that they don't have to be the outrageously expensive type the military uses,they can be made from virtually any remote controlled hobby vehicle.This technology has opened a pandora's box of danger as anyone can develop their own drone and strap explosives,toxic chemicals or even biological weapons to it and fly it into any large public area and it will never be detected until it's too late.Of the 40 or so countries that are working on their own program it is hard to rule out that at some time one or more of these countries may become an opposition element of the US.This will mean that drones that are hostile could be flying over our heads along with the snooping police and intelligence drones.
The most frightening aspect of the latest drone tech is that of "Swarms",just like a swarm of angry bees many small drones are given a target or target area and sent on their way to deliver an unstoppable onslaught of attacks. Since they are too small to effectively be detected with radar a swarm  would simply fly in and devastate any highly populated area.
Since our super intelligent leaders working at the CIA have decided to use their drones to kill targets within borders of countries that we are not openly at war with(invaded sovereign countries and killed their citizens)and that have not given any permission to kill their citizens,it is likely that terror drones will soon be paying a visit to our shores and exacting retribution upon people that had no prior knowledge of what our less than legal and incredibly corrupt and dishonest intelligence agencies were doing. Apparently Obama has ramped up the drone war in the air and surface operating drones and robots so the infamy and cold killing reputation of the US will be increasing.
Taking the human element out of war has it's own moral problems as lethal force is more readily used due to risk factor and the indifference of killing from thousands of miles away.This makes for improved safety for the military but increases the danger of civilians.More and more the US is moving away from being the model of justice and freedom in the world to becoming the despised ruthless bully that thinks that no border or boundary can stop it's will.This is a very dangerous position to be placed by idiots who make war as a means of financial gain and political power.
Many of the top universities in this country are racing as fast as possible to create even more immoral and alarming technologies.MIT and the like are working feverishly to create an autonomous humanoid type battle droid that is straight out of a science fiction novel. In the rush to create such an extremely dangerous technology they apparently have missed the inherent danger in this endeavor. Top military leaders claim that humans will never be taken out of the loop but the people researching and developing these abominations laugh and say that the goal they are after is much more than any human could control. Total autonomy. Yes,there are peolpe that supposedly possess brilliance trying to build totally self controlled reasoning robot humanoid soldiers that will make their own decisions on the battle field,including the decision to kill.Even young children can see the danger and immorality of this type of machine.This would imply that the very men that are in such a hurry to create this emotionless butcher squad are void of morality or any common sense or ignorant denial has clouded their vision. Against such a force no human army will stand a chance not even the army that created the drones. 
With swarm drones and information networked humanoid soldier drones a very dangerous flaw exists,"Hackers" which are not just American teens having a little mischievous fun but the majority are from other lands. A swarm or squad of "terminators"hacked and controlled by terror groups are a very real element that seem to be overlooked,and set loose upon an urban location would deal thousands of deaths before any type of response could be mounted.
Who are these people we have making our decisions for us?How have we allowed such people come to lead and represent Americans on the world stage?Are we satisfied being known as the "Great Evil" ? Since when did we stop teaching our children that being virtuous and just is the right way to be? Our society and way of life is vanishing more every day and it seems that no one really cares,or that "nah it can't happen to us" denial has blinded everyone.
It can happen to us and it is happening to us now.We are already living under the drones and soon will be living among them.How long before the terror drones' wave of death comes to your home town?Think that this is a false possibility?You're online do a search and look it up,the danger is very real according to top minds in the field,many of whom have halted their participation.

1079ckLARGE-drone-assassina.jpg (JPEG Image, 864 × 1146 pixels) - Scaled (48%)

Very enlightening comic strip about being targeted for drone attack. Check it out.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cybersecurity Measure Heads to House Floor Despite Privacy Fears | Threat Level |

Where have these people come from?How have the citizens of this country elected people that are completely against the American way of life?Where were these people during history class?Or is it that they are completely corrupt of incredibly stupid?Either way the citizens of this country should take the time to investigate who in office have voted in favor of the laws that have taken away our liberties and see to it that they do not serve another term.Actually some of the laws are such violations of the Constitution that the sponsors should be tried for treason.

Anonymous tweetbomb: Hacktivists round on CISPA — RT

 In this country today the base corruption and ridiculous schemes and scams of the government and the immoral special interest groups that control the career politics cronies have become rather aggravating and tiresome....HEY IDIOTS,GET A LIFE! Get out of the lives and personal liberties of the people that make it possible for you to live lavish comfy lives while doing absolutely nothing to earn such a living.Are you people that stupid that you don't understand how well you have it made?You cannot exercise even a tiny bit of self discipline and shut the hell up? If the government of this country went a week without doing something stupid the entire world would be in shock.Ridiculous pompous fools,are going to push and push until this business gets out of hand and then we will all suffer for their lack of cognitive abilities.To all the sheep out there who keep voting Republican or Democrat ,when these idiots destroy the American way of life you have no reason to say anything.Anyone of descent moral value would vote for any on the ballot other than another crony of the "big two".

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Arrests as Occupy slams mortgage bankers in San Francisco (PHOTOS) — RT

Even Wells Fargo shareholders were among the protestors outside the San Francisco annual meeting of Wells Fargo.Once again the police detained over twenty people for peacefully exercising their rights.At what point are police and law enforcement going to understand that violating the Constitution of the United States is violating the law by way of high treason?Are they so easy to mislead into thinking it is lawful and moral to oppress the rights of citizens?Do they posses the intelligence to comprehend that these rights are their rights too ?Apparently they have a hard time understanding that their children will live in the same Corporate Controlled Dictatorship that everyone's children will live as once-free slaves to the will of tyrants.

Ex-spy: Destroying CIA tapes purged 'ugly visuals' - Tuesday, April 24, 2012 | 2:15 p.m. - Las Vegas Sun

 In this article from AP ex CIA head defends torture and argues that political "hand ringing" is not protecting the US. What this morally inept person fails to comprehend is that there has to be a point in which we as a people draw a line.Otherwise are we any better than the enemy we fight? Also by lowering our standards and falling to the level of the enemy we allow that enemy victory.Ignorant blind men like this misguided person would remove all of the rights and liberties in which our fathers and grandfathers bled the ground red to defend.Now our sons and daughters are making the most precious ultimate sacrifices and dying while honestly believing that they are defending our freedom and way of life as well as upholding a moral obligation.The tragedy of this is that they are actually giving their lives for a "Governing Corporate Insurgency"that's agendas are Not in any way moral and just,but driven by greed and influenced by entities that should in no way have ever been allowed to influence any US policy.

Obama moves to block sales of surveillance tech to Syria, Iran - Computerworld

 The blatant hypocrisy within the halls of our government are an embarrassment to the majority of it's citizens.An executive branch administration that aggressively attacks the privacy and Constitutional Rights of it's own citizens then turns and spews freedom and civil liberty rhetoric at the governing body of another country.This "New"morality of leadership should be called "See-Saw Standards". No one can be sure where the US stands on issues of human rights and Liberty today because of the roller coaster policies and and quick right angles in which our elected officials turn in hopes of eluding and evading direct accountability.This tactic has apparently been devised and engineered as a means to create a fog of confusion and psychological doubt.The alarming reality is that this type of "wiggling"through morality and "distorting" vision is an advanced technology that has thus far been very effective in successfully accomplishing questionable goals.It is difficult to confront an aggressor that you cannot predict.A new understanding and way of keeping elected PUBLIC SERVANTS within the rules of the game are going to have to be developed and implemented as soon as possible.The sad truth in the US today is that the organizations we look to for protection are the greatest threat to our freedom. 

CISPA concerns spread in Congress - Computerworld